High Voltage Spark Testers Manufacturer in Delhi India

High Voltage Spark Testers Manufacturer in Delhi India

RE High voltage spark testers are designed for checking the quality of insulation coated wires for pin holes / weak insulation / exposed conductor during manufacturing at work floor.  The wire is passed through brass ball beads which carry high voltage. If any pin hole is detected in PVC, a spark develops and electro magnetic counter counts the fault. The spark tester is necessary for every cable manufacturing unit. Spark Testers can be used for high speed extruders and high speed Recoiling processes. The efficiency of Spark Tester is up to 95%.

  • Designed for extruder and recoiling operations.
  • Height adjustable Electrode box
  • Compact size.
  • Built in safety features for operators
  • Easy to operate.
  • Recoiling shutdown as per operator setting.

Rectifiers & Electronics, Popularly known as 'RE', is the Pioneer Organization in the field of Electrical & High Voltage Testing Solutions such as AC/DC High Voltage Test Sets and Other Electrical High Voltage Test Equipment in INDIA. In the last 50 Years, Through Continuous Aspirations, 'RE' has earned the Goodwill of Quality Control Engineers and Research Scientists Throughout the Country.

'RE' was Established in 1970 with a Mission to cater to the Manufacturers of Northern India with the Cutting Edge Technology in the Field of Electrical Testing. 'RE' which was initiated as a Regional Concern, Soon Started Playing a Vital Role in Development of the Industry of the Entire Nation. 'RE' has been a Leading Exporter of High Voltage Testing Equipment to Countries like United Kingdom, Zambia, Kenya, Germany, Dubai, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, etc.

For further details or requirements, email us at info@re-india.com